Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 6: Quiet week and Invented Recipe (May 16-22)

This week was just a typical week, not much out of the ordinary. Work, Work and More Work. I did a School Improvement Progress report to the school board, but I talk in front of others all the time, so don't really feel like it counts towards a new experience. I have a few quiet evenings; that fed my need for quiet time and relaxing after the stress of some long days.

My item that I am counting for the week was inventing a new recipe. I am known for making a delicious variety of yummy brownie desserts (peanut butter and cookies & cream are my 2 favorites). I had offered to bring dessert to a BBQ on Sunday night and planned to make a few kinds of brownies and thought not everyone likes chocolate, why not try a blondie. So I found a simple recipe for a blondie and jazzed it up by adding white chocolate chips, chunks of semi-sweet chocolate and 4 mashed bananas. They were AMAZING, I am calling them "funky monkey blondies" and will definitely be making them again in the future. I had a couple issues, like a pan that was too small and having to put foil underneath it part way through baking to catch the bake over. In the end, I had 5 different desserts to take (I WAY overdo things sometimes). We ate brownies all weekend long and I had leftovers to send home with friends last night. I may need to start reading up on other brownie/blondie recipe variations on the interweb before a work potluck next week.

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