Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 5: Spell this and a sail in the dark (May 9-15)

This is a little late due to lack of motivation on my part, I spent the ENTIRE weekend lazing around and enjoying friends. I did manage to go on a late night sail in the dark(we left at 10pm and arrived back at the dock around 2am). It is quite surreal to be out on the water in the dark and know that if I fall in chances are no one will be able to find me. We were always able to see the lights on the chain of islands on the east side of the lagoon, but I kept imagining what it is like for people that are out sailing the big blue ocean for months at a time with no land in sight. It was very comforting for me to be able to see the lights of the atoll and know that at least I could attempt to swim to them if I ended up in the water. The rest of me weekend included breakfast on the water and taking a nap while listening to waves lapping next to me; I do live quite the life of luxury!!

My other new experience from the last week was I helped judge the school Spelling Bee. I myself was not successful at this as a 6th grader and clearly remember mispelling "galcier" and getting out in an early round. I have come to realize over the last year or so that I have become a pretty poor speller due to my reliance on technology to assist me. I also find myself second guessing myself even when I know the correct spelling. Enough about me, back the Bee. I enjoyed silently cheering the students on and giving them big smiles of encouragement. There were some challenging words "sencer" was the only one that I had not heard before.

I am already a few days into this week and ready for the weekend to be here!! This weekend I think I am flying an island about 45 miles away and sailing back all day Monday with friends. It will be my longest sail to date and nice to get away for a night. If only I could take Saturday off and sail up there with them...maybe next time.

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