Thursday, September 9, 2010

Week 22 (the encore): Ripped at the Seams (Aug 29 - Sept 4)

This week was a lot of justing getting back into the swing of school. It was the first full week back (last week was only 3 days with students) and it exhausted me!! I have spent endless amounts of time planning meaningful, useful computer lessons and I keep hoping that my students will find them exciting and useful. This is life at its current state, but has nothing to due with my new expereince for the week.

One night this week a friend showed up with stitches that he was suppose to go to the hospital to get out, but he forgot. He asked if anyone could remove them and I willingly volunteered. He had about 8 stitchs on his calf and using a pocketknife and tweezers carefully cut the knots of the end and unthreaded it. I was quite impressed by how easy it was and in the future would consider removing my own stitches if I ever need them. The procedure was pretty minor, other than when the patient screamed(jokingly) as I pulled up the first knot to cut it. I think I had a look of terror on my face and so he didn't do that again, although if he had I might have stabbed him and given him reason for a few more stitches.

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