Friday, September 3, 2010

Week 19: Hot Red Convertible and a Cool Green Flash (August 8-14)

I am only a month delinquent in trying to update. My goal is to catch up on the last month of blogging in the next few days:)

In early August, as I was flying back to Kwaj after 8 weeks in the states I made a 2 day stop on Oahu with my dear friend K. I made the executive decision to rent a fun convertible for us to drive around the island. We spent a day exploring the Halona Blowhole, hiking the Makapu'u Lighthouse and lounging on the beach on the North Shore. I only managed to get us lost a few times and loved the feeling of the sun on my head, the wind in my hair and the music blaring as we cruised our way around the island.
We had a fun red Mustang Convertible, sadly the only picture I managed to take was when we turned the car in at the airport and I wanted to document the lack of damage on it.

I arrived back on Kwaj on Saturday the 14th and promptly headed to dinner at a friends boat shack to catch up and enjoy friends. I was blessed with the amazing sight of my first green flash. It is quite spectacular and took my breath away!!

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