Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 14: Money, Money, Money (July 11 - 17)

Coins to be exact. I have been trying for two summers to tour the Denver Mint and was finally successful. Last summer I had reservations, but ended up having something come up and missed them. So this summer I was all over it. I made reservations 2 months ago when July 15 came available to reserve and booked 6 tickets, so that I could bring any and all with me. I get there with ample time and end up waiting for a friend to arrive. We were 1 minute late checking in and our tickets we already gone:(. I thought I was going to cry when the lady said she had given our tickets to someone else and that we could come back in an hour to try and get standby spots.

So we come back and wait and wait as the tour guide lets in all the people with tickets, then the people with standyby tickets, followed by people that were in line in front of us. As we are waiting I must have looked pretty pitiful as I pleaded with him to let us in. Just as he told people around us that the tour was full, and my hopes were dashed, he told us to hurry up and get in line. WOO HOO!!!!

We made the tour through the mint and watched coins being made and I was fascinated by the process and the commentary of the tour guide. I highly recommend this tour for anyone.

A second experience for this week:
I realize that I should probably master hill biking before attempting mountain biking again. For the first time in my life I went mountain biking and it about killed me. I couldn't figure out how to shift when going uphill and just couldn't get enough momentum to make it to the top. Thus I kept having to get off the bike and walk, making everyone have to wait on me. I did enjoy the downhill ride back to the house we were staying at, but overall it was not a fun experience for me.

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