Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 1: Crazy Path Running and Spinnaker Flying (April 11-17)

Well week one is only 2 days in and I have already had a highlight of my year. Sunday began with my inaugural Crazy Path Run. Invented by some friends here on Kwaj, it entails running around creating challenges and motions as a group runs in a follow the leader type game. It was one of the toughest runs I have had in a while and pushed me in good ways. We ran circles around trees, under signs, over tables, and got some pretty strange looks; I loved every minute of it!! We only had three of us, but I would love to see us try with a group of 5 or more. It made the run go quickly and I racked up 4 miles before I knew it.

The afternoon began with a sailboat race, but we sadly had to dropout after the genoa started to rip. The sailboat race should have been my new experience, but I guess it will have to wait for another month. We instead did a leisure sail and relaxed as the wind slowly took us along. As we headed back to Kwaj, the captain Trace mentioned Spinnaker Flying. I had seen pictures on Facebook of people flying through the air attached to the bottom of a free floating spinnaker sail from when he did it last week and knew it was something I wanted to try. I was all over the idea and nervous with excitement. It is exhilarating to be lifted up by the sail and float over the water. I had a BLAST!!! Sunday was so much fun that the spinnaker was pulled out again on Monday and I was able to take 2 more trips.

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