Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Challenge

I have been 30 for 18 days and feel pretty much the same way that I did for my 29th year; I find it funny how some people fear the changing of the tens digit in their age, I was excited for a new chapter to begin and see what my 30's have in store for me!! I have always been an adventuresome person, but sometimes allow myself to be sucked into the doldrums of life and live day to day with the same cyclical pattern of work, home, exercise, eat, sleep, repeat. I need times when I have lulls in life and down time, but I also thrive on fun and adventure. That is where the next year of my life comes into play, I am going to challenge myself to try new things and expose myself to experiences that may push me out of my comfort zone.

My goal for the next 52 weeks is to try one new thing each week. I am not sure what each week will be, I will just have to wait and see what comes my way and seek out opportunities for new things. My main obstacle will be my locale; living in the middle of the ocean on a rinky-dink island means I have done most everything here so creativity will be key.

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