Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 30: Battle on the Water and Arrgh Matey (October 24-30)

Sunday was all pirate, all day! The day started with a sailboat water balloon battle in the lagoon. The Boy had come down for the weekend and had his first sailing experiences ever and today's sail just might be my favorite sail yet. It involved 5 boats with an arsenal of water balloons trying to take out the other pirates and boats. It was a blast to throw water balloons and the boat I was on was well prepared with a balloon launching sling shot. We were able to take out the other boats pretty quickly and while other boats may deny our win, we are confident that we were the winners of the battle. I did take a direct hit to the face (OUCH!!) but recovered quickly and wasn't left with any lasting marks. (The guy who threw it did go out of his way to apologize the next day when he saw me.)

The evening involved the Swashbuckler's Pirate Ball at the Yacht Club. It was a great party with lots of homebrews and rum punch. The night involved some pirate games, lots of costumes and hanging with some of my favorite people on the globe. I had a great pirate costume from a co-worker that resulted in some wonderful compliments from a variety of friends. It was a great night shared with friends and The Boy.

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