Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 28: Timmy the Baby Sea Turtle and Flying to see to a Boy (October 10-16)

When I arrived at school one morning this week, my 3rd grade partner-in-crime shared that there had been a new nest of baby sea turtles that were hatching and headed the wrong way. We decided to head up and see if there were any little turtles that still needed saving. As we got up to the beach, a couple of students were carrying a little guy towards the beach. I asked if I could hold the little guy and was given the go ahead. WOW!! I was as giddy as a little kid holding while holding this little guy (A friend named him Timmy). He kept squirming and was definitely a fighter. The students took him to the edge of the surf and let him go; I was just amazed at the determination and fight that this little guy had as he used all his might to make his way towards the big deep blue. I know that he has statistics and a slew of ocean obstacles in front of him, but I can't help but think that he might be the 1 in 4,000 that will make it to adulthood.
Timmy and I right before he was released into the ocean.

I also had another new experience this week. I flew to see a boy. It was a little surreal to hop on a plane with the sole purpose of going to see a guy that I am interested in. I am still taking it one day at a time, but so far I think things are going pretty good. I get a smile on my face when I think about him and feel very comfortable and content to just be in his presence. After an 6.5 year dating hiatus, I am still adjusting the idea of dating someone and know that I need to work constantly on communicating effectively.

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